for our new model of improved cookstove Photos by Catherine Frith

Commonly sold in the market this model spews smoke into the house because it has no chimney.

A woman cooks on an old model stove with smoke filling the living area.

Selvam, a trained mason and stove installer, breaks the old stove. The rubble is re-used for insulation around the new model.

The new model two-piece clay stove is placed on a thin layer of cement. The front two holes are the burners. The back hole will connect to the new chimney.

A border of bricks is placed around the new model and then filled with recycled rubble from the broken stove. This insulation reduces cooking time.

In every village where we support installations the women are our best advertisers. They spread the good news of the new improved cookstove.

Our installer finishes each stove with a layer of cement to perfection. The women love the extra space to put their pots.

The woman of the house helps Selvam join the clay chimney sections with cement.

A simple plumb line is used to position the hole for the new chimney. Notice the soot on the walls and roof from cooking without a chimney.

A hole is hand punched into the tin sheet roof to accommodate the new chimney.